Gun Violence Resources

The issue of gun violence is a difficult one in our society. While most churches and faith communities have strongly advocated for increased efforts toward gun safety and gun control, there are many members of our congregations that see that as a challenging issue.

Regardless of one's position on the politics of the matter, I believe strongly that prayers for those who have died is central to the Church's mission. Below are some of the communications and resources that I have used at my congregations.

Please feel free to change or adapt anything you want. The service uses the Episcopal Book of Common prayer. The service itself is pretty simple and stripped down. We've found that reading the names takes up the majority of the service and it can be quite powerful.

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Victims of Gun Violence - November 1 - November 30

Rest eternal grant unto them, And let light perpetual shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Click here for a link to the list of n...